Texas Divorce Process

Overview of the divorce process in Texas

Prior to making the decision to proceed with a divorce in Texas, it is a good idea to become familiar with the divorce basics and the key issues that must be addressed in the divorce process.

Texas Divorce Basics

Names of the Parties: The spouse that files the petition for divorce (i.e. initiates the divorce with the court) is known as the "Petitioner". The other spouse is known as the "Respondent".

Jurisdiction: Texas courts only have jurisdiction to grant divorces for Texas residents. So, one of the spouses must be a Texas resident for 6 months prior to the date the petition for divorce is filed in Texas.

Venue: At least one spouse must reside in the county where the divorce is filed for at least 90 days prior to the filing of the divorce petition.

No Fault: Texas is a No Fault Divorce State. "No Fault" means that one spouse DOES NOT have to prove the other spouse has done anything wrong in order to obtain a divorce. You CAN NOT be held in a marriage if the other spouse does not want to sign or refuses to participate in the divorce process.

Cooling Off Period: Texas courts cannot grant a divorce until 61 days have passed from the date the petition was filed. This cooling off period supposedly helps couples who change their mind.

Appeal Period: After the divorce decree is signed by the judge, each spouse can technically file an appeal for 30 days. As such, neither spouse can get married until the divorce decree is final (30 days has elapsed from the date in which the judge signed divorce decree).

Grounds for a divorce in Texas

  • Adultery
  • Abandonment
  • Confinement for incurable insanity for three years
  • Conviction of a felony and imprisonment for over one year
  • Cruel and inhuman treatment.
  • Insupportability - This is the catchall that almost all divorces are filed under. Insupportability means “discord or conflict of personalities” that has prevented any “reasonable expectation of reconciliation.”

The 6 Step Texas Divorce Process:

Comments 511

  1. Our no fault divorce decree was final in October 2017 and i awarded the property to her. There were no kids.
    Now in december 2018 my ex saying me that she will go to court and tell them that it was a forced divorce or she signed the paper without reading it and will also claim the house i bought after divorce and business before marry her.
    Is there any logic in it? will she succeed in giving that problem in anger?

  2. I filed for divorce in Texas (Pro se) a couple of months ago, my “wife” filed a response(she agreed to the divorce) but is now refusing to sign the final decree and wont talk to me. What is my next step? There are no children, money, or property involved.

    1. Post

      If your spouse files a response, the default judgment route is probably not viable (unless she fails to appear at the trial). That leaves two options: (1) contested divorce or (2) agreed/uncontested divorce. If the agreed divorce option is no longer viable, you will have to traverse the contested divorce path. Most courts will require mediation before the divorce case can be set for a trial. If mediation doesn’t settle the outstanding issues, the judge will need to decide the terms of divorce at a trial.

  3. I filed a petition for divorce in July and my ex husband was served about a month ago. What is the next step? Am I supposed to receive some kind of notice or am I supposed to go back to the court now for the next step?

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      If your spouse files an answer, you’ll have to litigate the divorce. If he is willing to work with you and ultimately sign the decree, you can present the fully executed divorce decree to the judge (at his/her uncontested docket) for consideration.

  4. My girlfriend put a restraining order on her husband after he physically abused her. Then she filed for divorce. It’s been 3 months and now the man is refusing to sign the divorce papers until she drops the charges. She is NOT going to drop the charges. So, is there a rule or law that says she can still get the divorce finalized by a judge if he’s refusing to sign?

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  5. My husband was served and didn’t respond to the petition. I was granted a default divorce. The 30 day period has expired. Then, 45 days after the divorce was granted, he filed a motion to overturn the decision and start the divorce over. We are to go back to court in a few weeks. Is this allowed in Texas when I did everything I needed to do? The thought and expense of starting over is overwhelming me.

    1. Post

      It is possible (if your spouse filed a Bill of Review) if your spouse can prove he/she did not receive notice of the divorce proceeding. If he/she did not get notice the default judgment can be overturned.

  6. My husband and I have not lived as husband and wife in 25 years I am trying to get healthcare assistance and need a copy of final divorce decree, my ex will not talk to me. I don’t know what county or even if we are divorced. How can I find out without his cooperation?

    1. Post

      You’ll first need to determine if you are already divorced. You may need to hire a private investigator to perform this research. If not divorced, then you’ll can file for divorce in a state with jurisdiction and a county with proper venue.

  7. My wife and I agreed to get divorced. However she move out of the states but we still want to get divorced. Can I file for divorce in Texas and have her sign in the country where she currently resides in front of notary there and send the required papers back to me? Does she need to be in the US for any steps in the divorce?

    1. Post
      1. Where can I find more information on this matter, I am in a similar situation. My soon to be ex husband sent me a notarized letter from the country were he is residing currently agreeing to the divorce

  8. will i lose my half of house in texas if i let home after wife told me to leave or will we have to sell community property or but the other out

    1. Post

      It is impossible for us to know what will happen in a contested divorce. A judge will ultimately decide who gets what in a contested divorce. If the spouses can agree on the terms of the divorce, the judge should go along with the agreement of the spouses.

  9. My wife filled for divorce. Uncontested divorce. We agreed on who took what. When she came to get her things she left a lot of things behind but stated she would not be back that she got what she wanted and/or needed. I signed a waiver of service. She is now telling me that we will be going to court because she wants to be reimbursed for the things she left behind when she moved her stuff out and for things she had stored at my parents home for over 2 years. The waiting period was up 4 days ago but she has not filed the papers. I submitted an amended form for the waiver and I am also filing an answer to protect myself. I am being told I will not have to sign the decree. Am I being screwed? What happens if she did not file by the last day of the waiting period?

    1. Post

      The waiting period is designed to allow spouses to change their minds and remain married. The divorce decree cannot be signed during the waiting period. Now that the waiting period has expired, the court can entertain the request for divorce (and thus sign the decree). If you file an answer, the judge shouldn’t sign the decree until a trial or the parties present a agreed divorce decree.

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      Yes. Community property (generally property acquired during the marriage is community property) is split in a divorce. If the spouses agree, you can make your own arrangements on the splitting of property. If spouses can’t agree, the court will decide if the house is community property and who should get it.

  10. after 22yrs of marriage my husband wants me to sign a postnuptial on his overtime at work as well as signing over to him half my personal injury settlement. I work too but he make way more than me he is a GM employee for over 20 something yrs. I m more wondering about postnuptial.

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  11. About 5 months ago my husband served me with divorce papers I haven’t responded to the papers, will they grant him the divorce? What happens now?

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      Yes, the court will likely grant the divorce as a result of your failure to file an answer. If not too late, you should consider filing a response.

  12. I have an uncontested divorce in texas. Ex moved so he signed a waiver. I forgot to make a copy to be stamped s o i know i need that for the judge. What I’m not sure of is something else. It said for me to bring in original petition plus three copies. Does that mean the one I filed? Do the copies have to be stamped?

    1. Post

      You really need the original and two copies: The court will keep the original. One copy is for your records and the other is for your spouse’s records. The copies should be file-stamped by the clerk. With regard to the waiver, the original that was filed with the clerk should be in the judge’s file by the time you see him/her.

  13. If I’ve already moved out of our home which is community property and taken property that I inherited and brought into the marriage and some fun it ur that we purchased together, before filing by Pitition for divorce. Do I have to return the personal property I took after the divorce is signed off by the judge??

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  14. My husband is avoiding receiving his papers after multiple attempts. My attorney states they will get a Petetion from the court to post it at the location he is at. Will i still have to wait the wait time of hearing a response for 20 days or whatever the amount is when he receives the papers? It will be 60 days of waiting for him to receive the papers on October 11, 2016. I wanted to ask my attorney this now but they charge with every email I send about the process and updates.

    1. Post

      You can’t proceed until the 60 day waiting has expired AND, if applicable, the answer deadline (the Monday following the expiration for date of service) has come and gone.

  15. If I am common law married and my ex doesn’t not want to consider it can I still file for a divorce? We have 2 children together and we separated while I was 8 months pregnant but he was back and forth. After a yr he had another child, so we both moved on and now he has two kids with the other women. Who keeps telling me he doesn’t need a divorce from me but I want to get married and yet everyone one else tells me otherwise.

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  16. I filed for divorce in Texas 4 months ago. Filed uncontested and we have 3 children. We don’t own anything together and agreed the children will stay with me and go with him every once in a while. My question is what do I do next? Am I supposed to go ask for a court date?

    1. Post

      You’ll want to call the court and determine how your particular judge handles their uncontested docket (assuming your spouse has signed the proposed divorce decree).

  17. I have an uncontested divorce and all the paperwork has already been submitted including the divorce decree. We’ve agreed on everything including debt and the house (property). The spouse has paid off the debt and I’m giving her the house. On the decree I just put that she gets the community property (house) and I have no ownership to it. I just want to make sure the judge will sign off on that.

    1. Post

      Based on the info provided, I don’t see a reason the judge would not sign off on your agreed divorce decree. Please note that a deed will be required to actually transfer the house to your spouse. Sometimes the decree will even describe the logistics around the preparation, signing and recording of the deed.

  18. Can I sue my ex wife for not removing my name from the home I lost in the divorce . She paid it late until it sold recently which has had a negative impact on my credit

    1. Post

      It depends. You should consult with an attorney (not necessarily a divorce attorney) to figure out what your best strategy would be.

  19. I filed a petition for an uncontested divorce but we have decided to reconcile. If I do not go to court to stop the petition, will I be okay If I simply do not show up to finalize the decree?

    1. Post

      You should dismiss the case by filing a motion to dismiss without prejudice. If you do not take action, the court will most likely dismiss on their own motion.

  20. I filed for petition, He refused to sign waiver and respond. I went and paid so he can be served but kept avoiding constable now what is next. Can I still get divorce even if the constable failed to excute the citation?

    1. Post

      You’ll need to prove to the court that your spouse received notice of the divorce. It’s not as easy as showing an email or text message, but rather you have to follow the notice statute. You should consult with a Texas attorney on how to give proper notice. It may likely entail the filing of a motion for alternative methods of service.

  21. I have 2 children with my husband. We married in 2003 I left him in May 2016. Told him in the letter I want a divorce. The kids and I have moved and are safe. Told him I’m willing to let him have the van, I keep the car. I have main custody of the kids and he has standard visitation. He said no. He filed for the divorce and had me served before I was able to at the end of Feb. It’s coming up to 6 months since he filed. He refuses to talk to me about it and his attorney will not communicate with mine. We have not had any kind of court date for anything even child custody. I’m lost and confused. What’s happening and how can I speed things up.

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  22. If my spouse is in prison in TX and says he will sign whatever, is it still a better idea to have him officially served via a sheriff or warden? He may be released soon and I hoped to have this finalized before then, so want to clear any obstacles.

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  23. I am in texas, and we divorced June 2017. The judge ruled that I am to revive child support “starting immediately”. However, my lawyer hasn’t drawn up the divorce decree yet. Do I receive back pay child support from June until now?

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  24. If you file for divorce and pay the fee for the constable to serve papers, how long does it take for them to be served? This was done the first week of july and he still hasnt been served….do i just wait??

    1. Post

      It can take some time. Just depends on the constable and your spouse. At some point the constable will give up and tell the court he/she could not locate the spouse.

  25. If the divorce is uncontested can only the petitioner show up for court during the final hearing(for judge to sign final decree) ? Or do both parties have to show up?

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      Typically, only the petitioner shows up at the prove up hearing, but both spouses can (or even just the respondent).

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      The easiest thing to do is hire a private process server to perfect service. If that doesn’t work, you can request alternate service methods (like sending via certified mail and leaving a copy with someone over the age of 16 at spouse’s residence). This is done with a motion for substitute service and corresponding order. This kind of request should be completed by an attorney.

  26. And I did my own, CONTESTED divorce with the children and property 98% myself. I only hired the attorney for a flat fee of 500 to rewrite my final decree and take it to the judge to sign. I would do it myself too but I had 2 jobs then and did not have time. Time is money 🙂
    Everyone in the courthouse was totally surprised that someone with no law degree went this far with a contested divorce 🙂

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  27. My husband filed a petition for divorce. I came home to have him hand me his divorce request. I have not been served. The courts said he has not filed for me to be served, just the petition. What happens if I do not file a response in 20 days?

    How long will the request stay active before he has to refile and serve me properly?

    1. Post

      You have until the Monday after the expiration of 20 days (from the date you are personally served) to file an answer. Failure to file an answer can result in a default judgment against you (your spouse will have to prove service of petition at the hearing on the motion for default default judgment). If you have not been served the judge should not grant the default judgement, but you never know what the judge will do. Each court has different rules on how long a case or request will stay active.

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